Sunday, May 11, 2008

Venice Beach is like a bakery.....

Your pies are everywhere!! Ladies, I am always thinking of you, and I was able to pick out some yummy pies for you all today. Does pieing via blog count?

This intriguing man was standing on top of a number of milk crates, holding a bow in one hand, and two rubber "magic" snakes in the other hand. The loin cloth is especially for you Kim. I'm not really sure what his schtick was, but whatever he was doing, he wasn't drawing too much of a crowd. John and I gave him a dollar because I took his picture. He's almost nude people, holding a bow and two rubber snakes. He needs the dollar more than I do.

This dude was covered in all things gold, and what you can't see in the picture is the gold stuffed dog lying in front of him. He sort of reminded me of street performers I had seen before in New Orleans. Basically covered in one solid shimmering color, standing incredibly still. Kinda creepy, kinda cool, and totally Gina's pie.

This guy is not your pie. John and I stopped to watch him and some of his friends perform some super cool break-dancing and other tricks. Pretty sweet. I could have watched them all afternoon.


Kim Hayes said...

you're not a man unless you wear a loin cloth. can't wait to see this beauty in person!

Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

You crack me up - I'm still waiting to see the nude Rollerblade people... I'll keep checking back for that one.