Thursday, May 15, 2008

Suck it, California!

Let me rephrase that....Suck it, California drivers!! Let me tell you a story..... So this morning I figured out where the local DMV was, drove down there, and picked up a copy of the California Driver Handbook. I've been checking it out a bit today, I think I'll take the written test next week. As I'm thinking about driving in California, I decide to call my insurance company to change my address and see how much it will cost to get car insurance in this great state. Wait for car insurance just doubled. Yes, let me repeat that for emphasis, DOUBLED!!!! Can you believe that? There must be a bunch of lunatic drivers driving the rates up here compared to my beloved homeland of Washington. Washington: 1, California: 0. Peep game.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Have you ever met a California driver? They are lunatics.