Monday, July 28, 2008

SoHo shelves.....revisited

So here are the shelves, all put together and at the top of the stairs. I finally emptied all my boxes full of CDs (hard to believe I'm still working on unpacking).
Before moving down to California, I had purchased these CD holders by Discgear. They are super cool, and a great way to store CDs if you are looking to save some space. Each one stores 50 CDs, and it comes with a companion album where you can store all the written materials that are included with the CDs. Buh-bye jewel cases!

1 comment:

Kaijsa said...

Look how fancy you are! I sometimes think about ways to store CDs more efficiently, but I can't handle getting rid of jewel cases. I like to alphabetize and be able to find stuff on sight. I am an old-fashioned nerd.