Monday, July 28, 2008

Peace out, unemployment!!

Today was my first day at the new job! It was an orientation day, but still a work day nonetheless. Let's just say it was quite the shocker when the alarm went off at 5:45am. Yikes. I haven't been up that early in a LONG time. The orientation was in Pasadena, and I am not familiar with traffic from Santa Clarita to Pasadena, so I wanted to give myself plenty of time to get there. Little did I know that there isn't really bad traffic to Pasadena, so I managed to get there super early. WAY too early. Like over an hour early. I tried to take a snooze in my car, but I was too antsy pantsy for anything restful to occur. Orientation went well, and tomorrow I head to the actual worksite for a couple weeks of on-the-job training. I'm really excited about this new company! I think it will be a great experience!

Top 5 things I will miss about being unemployed:
5. Feeling free as a barn swallow
4. Blowing through multiple works of fiction each week
3. Working on my goddess like tan
2. Hangin' out with Frank upwards of 24 hours a day (he follows me around like a dog, it is awesome)
1. Rolling out of bed whenever the mood strikes......why, hello 10am, so nice to see you!

Top 5 reasons why I am happy to go back to work:
5. Less time to think about missing my friends and family back in Washington
4. It is about time I started to use my brain for other things besides figuring out what lame television show I'll watch next (I actually watched "Camp Rock" the other day.....seriously! what is my deal?.....although, if I was a 13 year old girl my walls would be plastered, I repeat, plastered with BOP magazine pictures of The Jonas Bros)
3. Feeling like I am contributing to the greater good, as opposed to feeling like all I do during the day is contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer, global warming, and my size 10 carbon foot print
2. I don't want to look like a leather bag by my 35th birthday.....less pool time = less damage to my precious epidermis (it is your largest organ, ya know!)
1. I am thisclose to be briz-oke as a jiz-oke fool!! Me no likey that feeling......

Peace out, unemployment!!!


Kaijsa said...

Woooo! New job!

Gina Lillie said...

I'm right behind ya sista. I think I will miss being able to wear my pajamas until noon. Congrats, and I hope you love it!

CDawg said...

best part of that post? the photo. seriously.

Anonymous said...

If I was 13- I would have my room covered in Jonas brother ass as well. Dibs on the cute one though. Good luck with the j.o.b.

Anonymous said...

Knock em dead....well, not literally! :) I hope you enjoy your new job!

Amy L. said...

Hey, Jess!

Great blog, and congrats on the new job! Where are you working now?