Thursday, February 12, 2009

Too funny not to post......

I just can't let this slide through the must be broadcast to the world for comment.....

On my way out of work tonight I noticed I had two text messages.

Here they are, word for word.....
Text #1, 5:28pm: i'm got a happy hour buzz. drunk. arrrrgggghhhhh. flllzzmmmdorferrr.
Text #2, 5:39pm: WTF? i demand a funy response. (here comes the best part) boy you try to front ah ah. womanizer. aha ah.

Yes, it is true, he is quoting Britney Spears. Love it. Love. It.

I'll give you one guess who it was........

And if you are wondering what his shirt says in this photo, it says:
One Day At A Time
Help me believe in
what I could be
and all that I am
Show me the stairway
I have to climb Lord
for my sake, teach me to take
One Day At A Time

The shirt was given to him by the guys, while in Las Vegas for his Bachelor Party, after he had barfed all over himself post buffet/beer frenzy. Classy.

I am proud to say I have known him for almost 27 years, and he continues to make me laugh on an almost daily basis. I've been trying to get him to do a "guest blog post" but it hasn't come to fruition yet. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

and i'm trying to make a baby with this hunk o meat.

Gina Lillie said...

I love he has been outed for the Brit quote. Beautiful.