Saturday, September 27, 2008

project: a week in my life.....

One of my favorite scrapbook artists is Ali Edwards. She is super talented and I get a lot of creative inspiration from her artistic projects. She has published a number of books on scrapbooking, including Life Artist: Scrapbooking Life's Journey. A little snippet from the introduction: "This book is about scrapbooking and about life. About capturing the life you're living, have lived and will live. About creating art from photographs, words, documents and bits of this and that...those things that help tell the stories of who you really are." After reading the book's introduction, I knew that I wanted to purchase the book and tackle some of the projects.

Ali's blog is one that I check out every day. One of the projects in the Life Artist book is a "Week-in-the-Life Album". This week Ali posted about the project, so I decided to take on the challenge over the course of the next week. Here's a little information about the project from the book: "This album is all about celebrating the everyday. The minutes and activities that make up a regular, ordinary week in your life. Washing the dishes, doing the laundry, your drive to work or your drive around town, the things you love to do (and those you're not so fond of), who you see, what you listen to, etc. Think of all the things you do in a seven-day period. Whether you're a professional, a stay-at-home mom or retired (or something entirely different), there are so many things to celebrate in your everyday life--who you are, what you do and how you feel about your life as you're living right now."

I think this is a cool project for a couple reasons. Scrapbooking is all about creating something to document your life for not only yourself, but for future generations. A scrapbook can be passed down from generation to generation. What would it be like to have a book with photographs and journaling that outlines the week in the life of one of your ancestors from 100 years ago? I think it would be pretty incredible! How would our daily activities differ over years or decades? I am excited to take on this project this year, and maybe do it again in a couple years to see how my life has changed over that time period.

If you see me this week, I'll have my camera with me. And you will end up being a part of the project.


Anonymous said...

I'd better be in that.

Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

I can't wait to see the results! Keep us posted : )

Anonymous said...

I do like this Blog, it is really nice.

M. Al Reedy