Monday, May 31, 2010

Keeping Vashon Wierd.......

This weekend was Milo's first trip out to Vashon Island. We had a blast! He is one tuckered out chubby Basset! We started our day early on Saturday. Milo could tell adventures were on deck when I put his bed in the car. He could barely contain the excitement! If you've ever seen a Basset jump up and down with enthusiasm, it is super funny. Let's just put it this way, you can't jump very high when you have three inch legs, and your belly is about an inch off the ground :)
Once Milo had sufficiently sniffed around Jamie and Ralph's house, he decided to take one of many naps on the furniture. The picture below has to be one of my favorites of all time, it is very much a Milo pose. Completely sacked out, and if there was sound to go a long with the photo is would be deep snoring.
I can't remember if this was before or after our walk down to the beach. Probably after. Corey, Norah, Milo, and I took an alternate route through the neighbors yard down to the beach. The stairs at the house are treacherous enough without 3 inch legs. Once on the beach, Milo had his first encounter with barnacles. No bueno would be his response if he spoke Spanish. He was super excited to go to the water, only to be slowed down my those pesky sharp barnacles. He pretty much gave up at one point and laid down on the rocks, it was kinda sad actually. The beach was a short-lived adventure for Milo's tender paws.
Meet Milo's new buddy, Norah!! They had lots of fun getting to know eachother. Norah is just the right size for Milo, so they bonded on the floor, hanging out by the pillows.
Milo felt so comfortable around Norah, he decided it would be a good idea to try and sit on her lap. She's such a good sport. Between Milo sitting on her lap and Lincoln washing her face with his tongue, she did a great job!!
Milo was one sore little guy by the end of the weekend! It took him, no exaggeration here, at least 10 minutes of coaxing to get him out of the car when we got home Sunday evening. He kept looking at the ground and deciding it was too far to jump, then he'd sit back down for a minute or two, then try again. Repeat that 5 times. I opened every car door to see if that was the one he would jump out. Ridiculous, I know.
He slept last night for about 12 hours straight, and has been pretty much exhausted all day today. Such a trooper!


Kaijsa said...

Baby + dog photos always crack me up. They're both like, "yeah, what are you looking at?"

kim Hayes said...

so cute!! remind me to tell you about the dream i had about milo. funny shit.