Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is it just me.......

......or is this guy kind of a d-bag? Admittedly, I haven't ever followed any seasons of the Bachelor, or Bachelorette, but last night I got sucked in to the season finale of The Bachelor, then even more sucked in to the drama that was The Bachelor: After the Final Rose. Ugh. How lame do I feel for getting pulled in to that fake reality romance horse shit? I about scalded myself in the shower this morning, trying to wash off that crappy tv stench that had laid itself upon me. To no avail. I'm going to have to bare this scarlett letter until I redeem myself by watching something along the lines of Nova, or maybe a History Channel documentary.
Long story short.....on the season finale this super classy gent broke one girl's heart and proposed to another girl, then on "After the Final Rose" he dumped his fiancee and told the previous girl that he had dumped in the finale that he still had love for her and that he had made a mistake. Way to flip flop there buddy. Like I said.....douche bag. And the worst thing about it all? This guy is from Seattle. Be warned: if I see you on the street, I will definitely give you the stank eye, and possibly kick you in the nuts.


Anonymous said...

you feel bad, i invested an entire season of monday nights to this turd samwich. what a dick. btw, i'm totally going to watch the after the after the rose ceremony next week. i love the drama.

Gina Lillie said...

If it makes you feel better about yourself, I have watched all three seasons of Rock of Love. It doesn't get much worse than that.

bethyp said...

I totally agree. D-bag. And I got sucked in at the end, too. Never watched before and unfortunately now I can't remove that memory fast enough!!

Anonymous said...

Helllooooooo. Updates please.