Thursday, January 6, 2011

Staying home from school.........

Remember those precious, unexpected days as a kid where your mom let you stay home from school when everyone else had to go?  Well, today is one of those days for me.  I'm home even though I was supposed to go in to work.  It is all because of this little gadget that I'm padding around the house today.........

I ordered this Clip It Up system from last week.  I received an email many days ago saying that it had shipped, so when it hadn't arrived yet yesterday I decided to do some research as to its shipping status.  I pulled out the tracking number and plugged it in to the UPS tracking website.  Low and behold, my Clip It Up thingy had been delivered to my house at noon on Tuesday.....WTF?  It was 10pm on Wednesday night, and I hadn't seen any sort of package on my front doorstep over the last few days.  When Milo was alive, I used to use my back door multiple times a day, but since he's left this world I rarely use the back door.  Plus, UPS has never once left a package on my back door step.  I decide to take a peak just in case.....sure enough, my package is resting on the back door step, all soaking wet from hanging outside for 2 days in PNW weather.  Awesome. 

So why am I home today again?  Well, I was so excited my package was at the back door that I stepped outside with my rubber soled slippers.  Rubber soled slippers + wet slick concrete steps = Jess falling down 6 steps at 10pm at night.  I'm pretty banged up, but *thankfully* I didn't hit my head or break any bones.  I have a nasty, swollen, bruise-brewing spot on my right lower leg, my left knee twisted in a weird way, and my left shoulder blade took some of the brunt of the fall.  Luckily I don't need crutches, but I'm hobbling around a fair bit.  There is an icing on the cake part of this story, but you'll have to ask me about it in person :)

After all this happened last night I iced both legs, took some ibuprofen, and hit the sack.  As they say, I was beat up from the feet up.  This morning I woke up and my twisted knee leg was stiffer than stiff, and the thought of limping around the pharmacy all day wasn't too here I am, at home, blogging.  And despite the physical pain, I'm happy to be at home, healing.  Because that is my one little word for 2011 folks.....Heal.  And I'm going to do just that. 

Isn't my little Clip It Up thing super cool though!?!   


Gina Lillie said...

You are going to be even more organized that Colleen with that thing.

Heather said...

Crap Jess! That's scary....but glad you're okay and having fun scrapping. Can't wait to hear about this "icing on the cake"?!

Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

Is that what the scrapbook retreat lady had going on over in her corner? I need to see that in action!

Hope you feel better. That is strange about the backdoor delivery.

Christin Hilton said...

first, i totally giggled at colleen saying "backdoor deliver". yes, i'm 8 years old.

second, how are you feeling today?

kim hayes said...

shit! glad you are okay. so what was the icing?