Thursday, September 9, 2010

off the grid......

Wow, the past few weeks have flown by!!  I'm all moved in to the new place, and have been totally preoccupied with unpacking and getting things settled.  Yesterday I made the usual post-move trip to Target, Ikea, and Bed, Bath & Beyond.  It was a FULL day to say the least.  I bought a blue dresser for my bedroom from Ikea, and I'm pretty darn stoked about it.  I love some color, and I think the blue dresser is going to play off the golden yellow walls perfectly.  Of course I'll post pictures once everything is all settled.  Oh, and I have to figure out how I'm going to put together that monstrosity of a dresser!!  Tonight Kyle and Cyn came over and helped me put up some pictures.  It definitely feels more like home with some art work on the walls!

What else have I been up to besides moving / unpacking / settling in to the new place?  Playing with my iPhone, its pretty much like crack folks, seriously.  I currently have eight "Words with Friends" games going right now, it is addicting to say the least.  Enjoying the camera applications.  Taking pictures of Frank and Milo settling in to their new space. 
Frank has found a few new favorite spots, including this one..... the back of the couch cushion in the living room.  He can check out what is going on in the front yard, survey his kingdom, so to speak.  Good lookin' cat, no?  I think so. 
Milo has found my feather bed, and decided to make it his own..... little rascal!!  Well, I was due for a new one, and I will definitely need a new one now that his basset stank is all up in those down feathers!!  I found a fun, colorful cover for the feather bed at Ikea yesterday so it looks a little better than a dirty old pile of human-bed-gone-dog-bed on the dining room floor.  Milo probably doesn't care what it looks like, he's just happy to fall asleep in luxury.
Another one of Milo's favorite spots?  The cold tile floor of the bathroom.  I am in love with the bathroom tiles, they are original to the house, which was built in 1942.  Milo loves them too.
Last, but not least, when it is sunny out, Milo likes to kick it on the back porch.  He isn't much for going out in the rain, so the past few days he's spent mostly inside.  But when the sun is shining, he likes to sniff around the yard for as long as he can before he poops out and needs a nap (read: about 15 to 20 minutes). 

As you can tell, I'm still obsessed with the ShakeIt iPhone app.  So fun!!       

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