Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So my back yard is already stressing me out.  The previous homeowners were total green thumbs and did a great job of keeping the plants in check in the back yard.  Me?  Not so much a green thumb, and definitely not doing a good job of keeping the plants in check.  I'd say I'm not doing any kind of job in regards to the back yard thus far :(  In an effort to not let all the produce and foliage back there rot away and attract vermin, I'm having some gardeners come over this weekend to clear out the joint.  Here is a before shot:
I'll post an after shot in a few days.  I'm having them remove all the produce because I can't even come close to consuming the amount of vegetables out there.  I've already managed to let Milo defecate on pretty much everything, so actually eating anything at this point would probably put me in the hospital.  It's like a jungle out there, no joke.  Milo has gotten lost out there in the middle of the night numerous times.  I'll let him out to pee at like 2am, and after not hearing him for 10 or so minutes I'll peek outside only to find him lodged between some enormous plant I can't identify and the fence. 

I'm looking forward to planting some grass, or laying down sod, in the spring.  Also putting in a deck for relaxing, hanging out, BBQing, all the fun stuff that goes along with decent PNW weather.  I'd love suggestions for some plants I can put back there that are hearty and fragrant, but don't require a ton of work on my part.     

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Rosemary and lavender for sure. Easy and both smell yummy. Lilacs are nice too, but don't look very pretty in the winter.