Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fist full of music...........

Thursday night after work I made a trip down to Ballard. One of my favorite solo evenings out includes dinner at Sam's Sushi, followed by a trip to Sonic Boom to check out new music. There is nothing quite as satisfying as a belly full of fresh fish, and a fist full of cd's. I've always been a music junky. Growing up my parents always had music playing in the house. I remember going with my dad to buy my very first radio/cassette player when I was like 11 or 12. I think we went to BEST in Everett (or was it still Jafco then? not sure). Over the past few years I've gotten away from playing actual cd's, and have mostly been listening to music on my computer. Recently, I invested in a Bose Wave Music System, and it is hands down the most awesome music player I've ever owned. Crystal clear. I've been listening to music non-stop since I got it a few weeks ago.

One album that I can't seem to get enough of lately is Kings of Leon's Only By The Night. Probably in my Top 5 favorite albums of 2008/2009. My stand-out tracks are Sex on Fire, Revelry, Notion, and Be Somebody.
Here are some of fruits of my most recent Sonic Boom pilgrimage:

Iron and Wine's Around the Well. It's a collection of songs ranging from out-of-print to never-before-released. Includes the cover of Such Great Heights, originally recorded by Postal Service. I love Sam Beam.
Girl in a Coma's Trio B.C. I had never heard of these ladies before, but I checked them out at one of Sonic Boom's listening stations and I thought they were awesome. They are a Mexican-American all-girl trio, and according to iTunes are a mix of rockabilly, country, Texas blues, and a dash of the Smiths. Stand out tracks on Trio B.C. are BB, Static Mind, and El Monte. I really like the cd, and have subsequently downloaded a few tracks of their debut album Both Before I'm Gone. Check out Their Cell, Clumsy Sky, and Road to Home. You won't be disappointed.

Silversun Pickup's Swoon. I really dug on their first two albums, Pikul and Carnavas. According to my iTunes log, I've listened to the Brian Lebarton Remix of Lazy Eye 233 times. Yeah, so I like that song, what can I say? Anyway, haven't fully immersed myself in this album yet, but have enjoyed the first few tracks. I'll have to report back on this one.
Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown. Okay, this album kicks serious ass. Favorite song on the entire album? 21 Guns. Closely behind? Peacemaker. And of course, Know Your Enemy. Hard to believe I've been listening to this band since I was 16. That's 16 years for those of you counting on your fingers. Stop what you are doing right now, and go buy 21st Century Breakdown. You won't be disappointed. Unless, of course, you are my mom, and you should save your money for Josh Groban's next album.
In other music news, here's a list of my most recent iTunes exploits. Thank you Kyle and Cyn for the iTunes gift card!!
Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat): Digable Planets (hello 10th grade, so nice to see you again)
C'Mon C'Mon: The Von Bondies (Rescue Me theme song)
The Fear: Lily Allen
Don't Stop Believin' (Glee Cast Version) (go ahead and judge, I'm not ashamed, well, maybe a little)
Love Game: Lady GaGa (let's have some fun, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on yer disco stick)
Hey Ya: Obadiah Parker (cover of Outkast's Hey Ya, except totally folk, it's saucem)
Electric Feel (Justice Remix): MGMT
Right Round: Flo Rida (I like bobbin' my head to this track while driving)
Party In Your Bedroom: Cash Cash (reminds me a wee bit of one of my favorite local Seattle bands, U.S.E., when they play it is like a party on stage)

What music have you purchased or downloaded lately?


casey said...

I would like to borrow all of that.

Gina Lillie said...

Maraya asked if I would take her to the Green Day show in July. It made me so happy that music I loved in my teen years is still cool.