Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bow Wow Wow Yippy Yo Yippy Yay.......

I want to get a dog soooooooo badly!! At the Ballard Sunday market, I couldn't keep my eyes off all the awesome dogs. Case in point.....this crazy cute guy chillin' in his owner's backpack. It pretty much made my day.
This is what I saw as I was walking up to the market. Dog in backpack. I had to get a photo. Then I felt creepy taking this woman's photo without her knowing, so I just straight asked her if I could take a picture of her dog in the pack. I think she thought I was crazy, but was kind enough to humor my request.
Then I saw this hairy beast. She was rockin' a pony tail up front, super cute. I'm not sure what kind of dog this is. Any guesses?
Who's this little lady? The sweetest miniature weiner dog ever. I would love to get a miniature Dachsund. Do miniature Bassett Hounds exist? If so, sign me up.
If I had a dog, I'd totally need to get a beach cruiser bike so I could haul it all around Ballard like this duo. How happy would you be to ride around in that milk crate on a sunny day, the wind blowing through your fur?
I think its about time for me to start a new chapter in my life. The canine years. I'm sure Frank will be none too pleased, but it will grow on him:)

1 comment:

Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

Have you ever seen a Cavilier King Charles Spaniel? To die for and their little faces are just so sweet!