Sunday, October 26, 2008

Carving Week

Fall has officially arrived! I turned the heat on in the house at the end of September, and the last few days I've even worn fingerless gloves in the house on occasion. I always feel like fall officially arrives around Halloween though. The air is always cold and crisp, and the leaves on the trees start turning brilliant colors of yellow, orange, and red. This week I carved some pumpkins to celebrate all things fall. Here is documentation of the fruits of my labor......

My three pumpkins. Nameless, but definitely not faceless.
Pumpkin carving effort #2: Casey and Kim's house on Saturday night. This guy almost lost a tooth during the procedure, but luckily Casey had some toothpicks to fix the problem.
Pumpking carving effort #3: Also Saturday night at the Hayes residence. Facial features: the old Halloween standby.....triangle eyes and crooked tooth smile.
Pumpkin carving effort #1: Thursday night at Gina's. Gina, MaryBeth, and I caught up whilst carving punkins. It was great to see MB, as I haven't seen her since I moved back to Seattle. Hopefully it won't be another year before I see her again!


Anonymous said...

I pooped a pumpkin seed brick that following morning.

Gina Lillie said...

Love your work. They look great all lined up there next to the casa.