Saturday, September 13, 2008

Stuff for the little guy

Atticus, Gina, and I have a play date tomorrow. When I was at Target today, I couldn't help but pick up these two Halloween related items for the little tyke. Halloween has always been Gina's favorite holiday, so I will be excited to see the costumes Atticus has over the next couple years.
I love baby hats, and this one is no exception. It is an owl hat. I'll try and get some pictures of Atticus wearing it tomorrow.
I figured Gina would get a kick out of this bib...."I Love Mummy" cute is that? Soon Atticus will start to eat baby food and cereal, so bibs will be a must. Now I just need to find a bib that says "I Love Aunt Jess".

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

I can't wait for him to wear that. I already order his costume that is how excited I am for Halloween this year!