Atticus turned 4 months old today! Gina, Atticus, and I spent the afternoon down at Golden Gardens. It was absolutely beautiful, perfect late summer day at the beach.

Ah, look at him in all his pudgy glory! I am going to be sad when that adorable chub starts to melt away as he grows up. His cankles are money.

One of the many smiles from the afternoon. He is starting to become really expressive, and he likes to giggle and squeal.

Atticus and Aunt Jess. We had a hard time getting him to look at the camera. I love how his bottom lip kinda puckers up under his top lip, a la Peter Griffin from Family Guy.

This was Atticus's facial expression after toe dunkage into Shilshole Bay. Not super excited about it. He'll be loving the water at this time next year, I'm sure of it.
We had an awesome day with you! Can't wait to do it again. And thanks for the Halloween gear.
Atticus is adorable! Looks like you guys had a great time.
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