Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh, snap!!

One word: Dang!

I make it no secret that I like to blog stalk. I found Matt Clayton's photography blog through one of my favorite scrapbooker's sister-in-law's blog. Yeah, I know it sounds confusing, but it really isn't. It is like a blog of a blog of a blog type thing. Whatever. Anyway, so I occasionally stalk Matt Clayton's blog because I love his photography style. It is super clean and crisp.

I stumbled across this post the other day. His name is Kyle Beckerman, and apparently he plays for Real Salt Lake.

5 things that I dig about this photo:
1. Dreadlocks. He wears them well.
2. Bow-tie. Why don't more guys wear bow-ties? They kick ass. And look all old-timey sexy.
3. Suspenders. If I didn't have breasts, I would totally rock suspenders.
4. Soccer ball. I have had a weakness for soccer players since I was a wee lass. No other team sport has, in my opinion, more attractive dudes. Which leads to......
5. Overall hotness. On a scale of 1 to 10, this guy is an 11. That's right Spinal Tap, crank it up to 11.


Anonymous said...

double dang!

Anonymous said...

double dang is right! don't tell Nic I said that...

Gina Lillie said...

True dat on the hotness of soccer players. Hands down the sexiest legs in sports.