Friday, May 27, 2011

The Spuzster

It has been a week since I brought little Spuz-a-relli home and he is settling in to his new digs quite nicely.  He has a few favorite spots to hang, none of which are the little pen that I have set up for him in the basement for when I have to leave him home alone.  I wouldn't want to be confined to a pen either, so I can't blame him for the few retaliation poo's he has taken in said pen.  But, he's not house trained yet, so letting him have free reign of the upstairs isn't an option at this point.  He had his first appointment with the veterinarian yesterday, and I was happy to find out that he's a healthy little guy, weighing in at 9.25 pounds.  You'd look at him and think he weighed more, but he's all floof.  He only weighs one pound more than Frank, but looks like he's about 3 times Franks size.  The vet did discover one thing -- little Spuz has infections in both ears.  So he's on drops twice a day for 10 days.  I figured he had something going on with his ears because the smelled sort of funny, and he was pawing at them a few times a day.  Poor kid.  Anyway, his ear pawing has lessened even after only three treatments with the ear drops.  I'm sure he'll feel better soon, and lucky for me he takes the drops like a champ, just a lil' bit of wiggling :)

I've scheduled his first appointment with the groomers for next week.  I'll be so excited to get his hair trimmed so I can see his adorable face.  I'm sure he'll be pretty freakin' pumped too, he can barely see from behind all that fur!!  Seriously, his eyes are almost totally blocked by a combination of the hair that hangs down from his forehead, and the hair that sticks up from the sides of his nose.  I would go nuts.  Speaking of nuts, he has them.  And they are going to get snipped in two weeks.  I also scheduled him to get neutered and microchipped in a couple weeks.  So he's going to have a busy few weeks with his various appointments coming up.  I'll have to get him an assistant to help keep track of his schedule.

My mom was in town for a few days this week, and she fell in love with Spuz.  And I think he fell in love with her too.  I think he loved having someone pay attention to him, literally all day long.  If he wasn't laying on her lap, she was making sure he was happy.  She took him outside every hour or so, chased him around the yard, gave him as many belly rubs as he could handle.  Cleaned his ears (much to his chagrin).  Napped with him.  I think secretly she wanted to put him in the car with her and take him back to Moses Lake.  I'm sure I'll plan a trip over the mountains for sometime this summer so Spuz can visit my parent's digs and play with their Westie, Bailey.

I'm still adjusting to my life with a dog again -- and I've missed it.  Part of me will always miss Milo, but it was time to move on and welcome another dog in need of a home into my life.  I feel pretty lucky I found Spuz!!

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