Monday, May 31, 2010

super cool camera bag!

Check out the awesome camera bag Gina and Paula got me for my birthday! I'm super excited about it! It is made by Janine King Designs, she has a ton of stuff on Etsy. I used the bag this weekend, and it worked out really well. It hangs like a purse, but is really soft and cushion-like which is perfect for a SLR camera.
If you are looking for a fun, functional camera bag, I highly recommend it!

Thanks Gina and Paula!!


Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

I just got an SLR and Gina told me she was giving you a sweet bag... been waiting for it's review here on the blog to check it out! Love it - I myself haven't been brave enough to leave the house with the SLR and two kids yet... maybe the bag would help!

Gina Lillie said...

So glad you liked it. I was super stoked to buy it. It had HILTON written all over it. Happy Birthday Friend.