Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I love me some Washington state!!

Check out this totally awesome pendant!! Yep, that is Washington state with a heart located in Seattle. It is currently in the mail, en route to yours truly, so excited!!

The story behind this pendant starts with a one Jessalyn Haggenjos. During her last visit to Seattle she was wearing a totally awesome necklace.....California with a heart located in San Francisco. I fell in love with it and have been searching for a Washington version since.

Remember my Just Breathe necklace? Well, the artist, MarKhed, does commission work. So I approached her with the idea, and this is the creation!! It isn't entirely the end product, I'll post a picture of the finished necklace once it arrives on my door step. I can't wait to get it!!


Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

Love it! Super cool to have jewelry commissioned!

Heather said...

Very cool! Can't wait to see the finished necklace!