Saturday, November 28, 2009

Prepping for New Moon......

Yeah, I realize that New Moon poster image is a bit large, but the built up to the movie warrants the enormity of the image. Am I right ladies? Last week some girlfriends and I got together to rewatch Twilight, drink wine, and talk unabashedly about the hotness of Edward Cullen. We needed to reacquaint ourselves with Twilight to prepare ourselves for the release of New Moon, just a few short days away at that point.
I had seen this bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon at World Market a few weeks prior, and bought it as sort of a joke for the Twilight recap night. It actually turned out to be quite good! Made by Vampire Vineyards out of Paso Robles, California. I ended up buying another bottle a few days later, just as good the second time around.
Oh Edward and Bella, your love is so tortured and forbidden. I decided to bust out my werewolf hat, despite the fact that I'm totally Team Edward. I mean, Jacob Black is cool and all, but he is definitely no Edward Cullen. I mean, come on, Edward is immortal. Sure, a werewolf is a mythical creature, but not nearly as badass as a vampire.
As you can tell from this shot of the girls, Cyn may just want to slit her wrists at this point. Check out her body language, it oozes annoyance and boredom. Ashley looks completely enthralled, captivated even! Heather has seen the movie a few times, so I think she's just excited to have little Pip nuzzling up against her side.
And the actual New Moon movie? Loved. It. Loved it more than Twilight, which doesn't take much. I really liked the Twilight book, but felt the movie was so-so. New Moon? So much better. Better acting, better cinematography, better story development, better everything. I want to see it again! And reread Twilight and New Moon.
Anyone else see the movie? Comments?


Heather said...

It's true, I was just happy to be snugglin' with Pip. I had a great time with the ladies that evening though and a little Edward Cullen is never a bad thing!

Kristin Dimond said...

I agree fully on the BETTER on every front comment! It makes a big difference when your budget quadruples at least! :) I thought the whole thing was great, except maybe the last scene. Pretty cheezy. I came home and told my husband I was going to do some rereading as well, how funny are we??!! And, Edward smiled in his first scene at school and I loved it! Ah...vampires...

Kim Cullen said...

NEW MOOOOOOOOOON!! LOVED IT!! When are we going to see it again w/ your Sis? I keep waiting for the invite. ;)