Halloween 2009 turned out to be the best Halloween of the past few years. We dressed up, we gathered, we had a great time. The only downer of the whole night was that Nic and Heather were not in attendance. Maybe next year!
So, my costume this year did not end up being any of my previous ideas.....no Angus Young, no Coraline, no Yeti.......but it did turn out to be just as awesome, if I do say so myself. I was the
Kool-Aid man. Luckily, I was on vacation the entire week leading up to Halloween, so I actually had time to come up with something that didn't suck. I've been known to pull some pretty weak costumes together when under pressure. I bought a large picture frame box from the U-Haul store to make the front and back of the costume, and I used a medium sized moving box as a frame to support the costume. Throw in some black elastic suspenders, some red and black craft paint, and you've got yourself a homemade Kool-Aid man costume. What I didn't realize when making the costume is that bending over in the costume would be an impossibility, as would sitting. Regardless, I still had massive amounts of fun yelling "OH YEEAAAHHH!!!" for most of the evening.

Kyle had his 1st Annual Halloween Party at his new digs. Lots of food, drink, beer pong, and karaoke led to an awesome evening. Although Casey and I both compared stories last night and apparently we both woke up at around 3 am feeling like we were going to heave even though we didn't drink that much. I blame all the different kinds of food. At this age, you can't really expect mixing bacon-maple dip, donut holes, brisket, and riot punch is going to end up going smoothly. Ugh, my stomach still aches. Check out Kim and Casey's awesome costumes below. Casey won "Most Creative Costume", he sewed his very own Max costume from Where The Wild Things Are. Kim also represented the a character with her kick-ass Carol costume. Look out Project Runway, Casey's costume was a fierce! Can't wait to see what he has up his seamster sleeves next year.

Kyle's costume was all about perversion. His name was Stanley Mooncastle, and he carried around an issue of Tigerbeat magazine in his back pocket. Watch out all you underage kiddos..... He also could have moonlighted as a character in the Beastie Boy's "Sabotage" video. Cyn went as an evil Catholic school girl. Little piggy tails and devil horns never looked so sweet:)

A few Halloweens ago, Nic and Heather's Halloween costumes were highschool Jon and Ashley. Does that make sense? Let me explain again. Nic dressed up as highschool Jon, and Heather dressed up as highschool Ashley. So this year, Jon and Ashley decided to dress as their highschool selves, it was pretty funny. They both wore actual clothes they wore in highschool. Pretty impressive, I don't think I could squeeze into my highschool clothes if I tried. Single tear......

Oh gawd....Kyle's costume was just dirty. But in the best kind of way.
Thanks for throwing an awesome party, Kyle and Cynthia! Can't wait for Halloween 2010!!!
I'm SO bummed we had to miss it! Sounds like it was an awesome party. I'm very impressed with everyone's costumes too. No slackers this year!
I dont understand the fuss about kyles outfit. Thats exactly what he looked like when I met him at Western.
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