One of my most vivid memories from growing up is making Spritz cookies with my mom around the holidays. The last few years I have tossed around the idea of getting a Mirro cookie press, but whenever I would search for them online, all I would find were the newer plastic versions. I remember the one my mom had was aluminum, totally sturdy, the kind of sturdy that would probably survive a tumble down an elevator shaft. I figured I could find an old school cookie press on Ebay, and sure enough, I did!! $20.50 later, I have my very own vintage Mirro cookie press.
Here is a shot of my press with parts:

This is a picture of the Mirro cookie press my mom has (picture taken from Google images):

My mom's press has that same exact box, and nifty wooden tray to hold the pieces. I called my mom today for the recipe and she said that the price tag on her Mirro press said $3.25!! Granted, the thing is like 40 years old. It could be even older considering it was given to her by either my grandmother or my great aunt Grace.
Every year for the past 5 or 6 years, Gina, Paula, and I have met up at Gina's parent's house in Marysville around the holidays, and made cookies with Carol. We all end up making about two or three different kinds of cookies, and we end up leaving with so many Christmas cookies, it is unreal.

Here are my Spritz cookies, with Maraschino cherries, about to go in the oven.

If you are interested, here is my mom's Spritz cookie recipe, it is super easy:
1 cup butter, room temperature (or you can use 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup Crisco)
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 & 1/2 cups flour
Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes
My mom has that exact cookie press, too! Now that I've seen your pics, I will have to cave in and make cookies when I get back to the 206. I had been resisting because it's a slippery slope toward gaining back some weight.
There's some scrapping material there in cookie night! I can see the two page layout now...
Spritz are the shitz! Fo' schnitzle. Seriously though I will eat your cookies if you need help.
My dad never cooks and we have a cookie spritz. Spritz cookies and pie are the only thing I've ever seen him make. I love the fact that spritz cookies are small enough to fit an entire one in your mouth at once...and then another...and another...
Yummy! Thanks for posting the recipe. I made some basic sugar cookies with it today.
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