Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Takin' it back to the old skool.....

Facebook really brings people out of the woodwork, no? Lana emailed me tonight and asked me if I remembered a name from highschool, someone that added her as a friend that she couldn't for the life of her remember. The name sounded familiar to me, but I had to bust out my senior yearbook to put a name to the face. Once I had the yearbook out, I started reading what everyone had said when they signed it...... here are a few...... guess who? my comments will be in italics. Please note: these notes are riddled with inside jokes, they may not be entertaining to anyone but the people that wrote them!

Pimpmaster Newanda, (you gotta love the nicknames from high school)
Well Hilton, what can I say? This year has been a big party without a hangover (many hangovers were had). You are a laughing machine. Shove a quarter in your ass and the laughs never stop. There has been so many times this year and the past 5 in fact, that I thought that I was going to laugh to death. WSU is going to be a bore without you next year (dead giveaway there). Don't be surprised if I come back with a slick track boyfriend named Jed. After all "all dirt roads lead to Pullman." Oh!! The nausea of existance! Look at the peanut, look at the peanut! So SNL let us down this year but I think The State made up for it in the end. The Jew, The Italian, and the Redheaded Gay. It's funny the things you remember over the years. I remember walking up and down my road with you talking about everything in the world. That is what I think I will miss most about you Jess. You are the only person that I can spend endless amounts of time with and not want to hang you from a tree. You are such a free spirit Jess. "No! I want my plaid shlong pants!" Everybody should take a shower. Ocean Shores rocked. I'm going to have that time etched in my memory forever. Truck boy. I'm still in awe over the fact that school as we know it is over. No more Girafee or Kennedy or Red Haired Bitch (not sure who that last one is...) No more Mr. P and day 180. But this summer will be awesome baby with a capital A baby. Just don't let some strange guy through your donk wa (ah, the one handed donk wa.....). Shit nig (verbatim), I'm really going to miss you. We'll have to have a serious PAG over Christmas break and sing Frosty the Snowman outside my basement. What can I say EB, you are my sister. I don't know what I'll do without you next year. 90% of my best memories are crazy things the 2 of us have done together over the years. Grocery shopping with Carol. Old school times sitting for Satan. Chilling in front of the boob tube watching MTV (John Sencio never looked so jacked up on freeze frame). I wish these times could last forever but all good things must come to an end. These have been the happiest years of my life and I owe a lot of my happiness to you my friend. Thank you a thousand times for being my friend and always being there for me. I know our friendship will be lifelong. Dr. Hilton. Tampons in the Sr tea scrolls (sic). Punk rock ahhh yea!! Carpe diem!
*How cute we're chewing gum
*My name is Cornholio give me T.P.
*Mangs wear size 12's (yes they do, which leads me to the following.....)

Life has been good. Things have gone up since you were stuck in the goose pot. After extensive experiments with drugs and alcohol, and many travels to the far reaches of Washington state i discovered there are no better friends than the ones i've got in Marysville. Life has been good, except for the occasional panty raid victim or brief sighting from a bare naked flasher (you wanted to see it). 2 pair always beats one of a kind and beer will never die as long as you believe in yourself and all the beer gods i.e., Kris, Joe, Casey, Josh and so on (1 out of 4 isn't bad). Memories last a lifetime (my ass) (true that). For just that reason we must keep in touch. You've taught me much about feelings and respect (though it may never show) and i thank you (Boyz II Men watch out). Thoughts of you will always give me gas and make me want to wet my pants but aside from that i love you. p.s. i'm still macho you f*cker. (well said)

Not surprising that I'm still friends with these two crazy kids.


Gina Lillie said...

Wow, what a trip down memory lane. I laughed out loud! Can you believe that was 13 years ago? It's good to know some things never change.

Anonymous said...

I dont recognize either one of those people. Your friends are a bit off.