Sunday, January 30, 2011


I've been working on a new iTunes playlist for the last couple days.  "Duets".  Cheesy duets that is.  I sent out a Facebook status calling for ideas and got some great responses in return.  Some ideas I could find on iTunes, others I couldn't.  Some I wanted to include, some I didn't. 

Here is my playlist so far:
1. Mockingbird: Carly Simon & James Taylor (my parents listened to a lot of Carly Simon and James Taylor growing up, so this one was a no brainer, and one of my favorite duets)>
2. Islands in the Stream: Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers (Kenny before the face lift, original Kenny)
3. Don't Go Breaking My Heart: Elton John & KiKi Dee (this one would be a karaoke favorite if I did karaoke on a regular basis)
4. Whenever I Call You "Friend": Kenny Loggins & Stevie Nicks (introduced to me by a guy I went out with on a few dates in 2009 -- my sister called him "The Gentle Bird" because of his weak handshake and beak like face.  Poor guy.  Well, at least I got introduced to this song before I quit returning his text messages)
5. Endless Love: Lionel Richie & Diana Ross (I like to sing along with this one while I'm at the computer, hell, I like to sing along with all of them)
6. Easy Lover: Philipp Bailey and Phil Collins (a diamond in the rough of duets)
7. Cruisin': Huey Lewis & Gwyneth Paltrow (never saw the movie, but this song is great)
8. Dancing In The Street: David Bowie & Mick Jagger (I prefer glam rock Bowie, but I'll take it)
9. Ebony and Ivory: Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder (like the keys on a piano, these guys make great music)
10. The Girl Is Mine: Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney (this was made before MJ bought the Beatles collection, when they were still friends)
11. U Got the Look: Prince & Sheena Easton (I heart Prince, and this is no exception)
12. You Don't Bring Me Flowers: Neil Diamond & Barbra Streisand (I sang this one with Sean at a karaoke bar once and we got napkins thrown at us, bastards)

So, that is my playlist so far.  Anyone have any other duets they like? 

Here is a gratuitous Frank shot to complete my blog post:

He's adorable when he is sleeping.  We've gotten in to the habit of cuddling with eachother on the couch while watching television.  I put two pillows on top of eachother next to me and he'll come over and lay down on the pillows.  One of the silver linings on the cloud of him being sick is that he has been super lovey and affectionate, which is totally unlike him.  He's a "love on my own terms" kinda cat.  Last night when he was all drugged out on his chemo drug, he was staring off in to space and let me give him some serious belly rubs.  It was heaven.  For me anyway.


Gina Lillie said...

You should check out the movie Duets. (Huey Lewis + Gwyneth). And I agree, their duet is classic cheesy.

casey said...

Michael Mcdonald and Patti LaBelle. Nuff said.
Michael McDonald and Christopher Cross. Ride Like The Wind.
"...And I've got such a long way to gooooo..."