Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Inspirational, to say the least........

I do not attempt to hide the fact that I am a total blog stalker.  I check like 15 blogs every day.  Even if a new post doesn't appear on my Blogger dashboard, I still check their blogs just to make sure Blogger didn't miss a post.  I know, crazy.  With that said, you'd think I'd be a better, more consistent blogger.  I'm sure some people have given up on me after checking my blog every day for two weeks and finding nothing.  For that, I apologize, I'm trying to be better :) 

During my usual daily blog stalking of one of my favorite scrapbook pro's, Elizabeth Kartchner, I stumbled across the blog of a friend of hers, Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson.  Her blog is called Nie Nie Dialogues.  Her story is quite inspiring.  I'm not a religious person at all, but her video makes my scientific brain ache for some sort of faith.  Faith that all of "this" isn't for nothing.  Check it out......


1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Not sure I can watch this again while at work. Can't stop the tears. So amazing though.