Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ten things Tuesday

1. Have you seen Avatar? It was AMAZING! I *really* liked it and am super excited to see it again. And that is saying a lot considering I'm pretty ADD when it comes to sitting down to watch a movie. And this movie is NOT a short one. I saw it in IMAX 3D, and it was pretty incredible. The 3D-age induced a massive headache by the end of the nearly 3 hour film. Looking forward to seeing it again, not in 3D.

2. I just finished the book "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I have seen the book pretty much everywhere over the past year or two. Hell, there is even a movie coming out starring Julia Roberts as Liz Gilbert. I figured I should get back in to reading by taking on this light-ish read. Surprisingly, my favorite section of the book was the "Pray" portion. I'd have to go in to great detail to describe why I enjoyed this section the best, not for this blog post. Next book on deck? Ken Follett's "The Pillars of the Earth". Highly recommended by the two people in my my life that read more than anyone else I know, my Dad and Heather.

3. I'm really excited about the CW's newest show, "Life Unexpected". The first two episodes have been decent, looking forward to seeing where things go with the show.

4. Another show I'm excited about? True Blood: Season 3. Especially after reading this short article. I'm down with seeing more of Sam Merlotte!

4. No I will not follow you on Twitter. I'm done. I did the MySpace thing a few years back, recently cancelled my account because I hadn't logged on in like a year. I'm on Facebook. Do I really need to be on Twitter? Doubtful. Get this--my employer is on Twitter. What the heck are they "tweeting" about? Someone tell me what is awesome about Twitter, my ears are wide open.

5. My mom leaves the best messages on my voicemail. They go a little like this...."Milooooooooo!! Miloooooooooo!! This is your Grandma. Tell your mom I called. Miloooooooooo!!" The best part about the messages? I have voicemail, not an answering machine. Milo doesn't hear the messages.....ever. I just recently broke the news to her after about the 7th voicemail message of her thinking that Milo can actually hear her when she's leaving a message. The funny thing is, I bet she'll continue to leave messages for Milo. She loves her chubby canine grandson.

6. I think Frank is jealous of Milo and I going for walks. The other day I opened the door for Milo to go outside and without even a moment of hesitation, Frank shot out the front door and into the yard. I was able to grab him, unfortunately by his tail, and carry him back in to the house. Needless to say, it was a traumatic 4 seconds of my existence. I wish I wasn't such a freak when it comes to my fluffy, mostly black and a little white, guy getting outside. I have nightmares about Frank getting lost, no joke people, nightmares.

7. I'm obsessed with Muse. Tonight I made a run to Sonic Boom and bought their album "The Resistance". Good stuff. When I saw them play at 107.7's Deck the Hall Ball in December, one of the new songs that they played that I really loved was United States of Eurasia / Collateral Damage (Excerpt from Nocturne in E-Flat, Op. 9 No. 2).....yeah, that is a mouthful. Anyway, looking forward to diving in to that album.

8. So I've also been on a Tom Petty kick for like months. Just borrowed the album "Wildflowers" from Helen, and I have been listening to it in the car for DAYS. Can't get enough of it. You Don't Know How It Feels, You Wreck Me, and It's Good to be King are some faves.

9. A couple endearing Milo moments from the past week......1. At the dog park, when the other dogs would run 100mph past him and try and rough house with him, guess who he would run towards and rub up next to? Me. That's right folks, Milo knows I'm his person. When shit goes sideways, he knows I have his back. Almost brought a tear to my eye......2. On Sunday Milo decided he wanted to be a lap dog. He climbed up on the couch while I was watching tv and decided to park his 65lb body on my chest. It was adorable, so I let it happen.

10. I've got the scrap bug, big time. I'm meeting up with some scrap comrades in February for some arts n' crafts time. Watch out for some scrap pages in the next few weeks. I'll post.


Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

Love that your mom leaves Milo phone messages! I think you need a scrap page showing your mom on the phone then Milo snoozing on the couch - definitely not getting the messages!

Gina Lillie said...

I can totally hear those messages in my head with your mom's little French accent. Love it.

Heather said...

Good list! I'm interested to hear about "Eat, Pray, Love." I could never bring myself to read it...I think because of the "pray" part.

I have nightmares of the kitties getting outside too. Seriously.

Kim Hayes said...

twitter sucks, but it's good if you are a business owner. i've already gotten emails from mag. editors from having a twitter account. it's totally narcissistic though. tell milooooo i said hi.