Kaijsa came in to town a few weeks ago, and luckily we managed to get together for drinks and debauchery. Kaijsa is an old friend of mine from The 'Ville, or Murderville for all you peeps in the know. We worked at my cousin's pharmacy together for a number of years, and have shared quite a few crazy stories. Some of my favorite memories involve hanging out at Hilton Pharmacy with Kaijsa and Melanie. Iced mochas, boy watching, small town America, you get the idea. Even though we are now considered grown ups, we still manage to have ridiculous amounts of fun when we get together. This visit included.

I met up with Kaijsa and her friend at King's Hardware in Ballard. One of my favorite watering holes. They have a peanut butter and bacon burger, 'nuf said. Granted, I've never had that burger, but it is an option. I like options. We probably annoyed Kaijsa's friend with all our stories of The 'Ville, and all the craziness involving people from our upbringing. We even managed to remember to story of the woman that came in to use the bathroom at the pharmacy and shat everywhere
besides in the actual toilet. You don't forget stuff like that, you really don't. Apparently the women was shop lifting at Lamonts across the street and had such an adrenaline rush from the 5 finger discount experience that she couldn't control her bowels. Enter the Hilton Pharmacy customer bathroom. Thank god I wasn't the one who had to clean that craptastic mess up. I'm holding back a gag as I write this. Ugh.

King's Hardware burger.....yummmm...... With a pint of Manny's on the side. It was a good day.

After King's Hardware, we journeyed to Brouwer's in Fremont, another favorite. They have a huge selection of Belgian Ales. The bartenders are hot and know one exact shit ton of information regarding beer. Too bad I've never really liked Belgian Ales, too sweet. No, thank you.
Enter The Baranof. Little did we know that karaoke night at The 'Nof was going to be so incredibly entertaining. We met a busty brunette from Yelm that apparently travels all the way to The 'Nof for their kick ass karaoke night. She was wearing a white tub top dress and sang Mambo Number 5. The best part about it? Her 2&1/2 pack a day habit for the last 30 years has made her voice.....let's call it....'unique'.....
Here's a shot of me in the Ladies Room at The 'Nof. There isn't much to hide in the bathroom here. When you're hovering above the toilet you can see the person in the stall next to you in the mirror above the sinks. It really brings a feeling of intimacy to the whole human waste experience.

One of the best parts about The 'Nof is the signage at the bar. Warning: Bitch Bites (so true, that bartender lady is crusty, and she makes STIFF drinks. She's like the drink nazi, don't mess with her). And my absolute favorite sign: BEWARE, Poker Players and Loose Women. Noted. While sitting in the bar, one of Kaijsa and Patrick's friends commented: There's a whole lotta fishnet up in this bitch. And he didn't mean stockings. So true. There is, indeed, a lot of fishnet up in that bitch.

It was a fabulous visit with Kaijsa! I feel pretty lucky to have been able to fit in to her busy trip home. Next time, we'll hit up Laramie!! Mel, you in?
I love the Lamonts reference. Old School.
I'd love to fly to L'mie next summer... maybe we should coordinate!
And I love "one exact shit ton" about beer. You rule!
M xo
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