Other things I have been enjoying? Sam's Sushi in Ballard. Jeremy Piven can kiss my high level mercury behind, because I love sushi. Shout out to beni jake nigiri (wild sockeye salmon, my favorite). I end up going to Sam's at least once a week, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends (read: Kim, possibly Casey). When I'm by myself, I sit at the sushi bar and watch the sushi chefs work their magic. It was at the sushi bar where I met Michael for the first time, sushi chef extraordinaire. A few years ago, he introduced me to my all-time favorite roll.....the red dragon roll. It is de-lic-ous. This evening he gave me a dessert he has been working on, mango jell-o with a cream sauce. Truth be told, it wasn't my favorite thing ever, but it is the thought that counts, right?
--I can't get enough of Bon Iver's album, For Emma, Forever Ago. I play it as I fall asleep, and it wakes me up every morning. Love it.
--I got my first pair of Saucony shoes, and they are the most comfortable shoes on the planet. No doubt. Thanks Kim for the recommendation, and the discount:)
--Frank continues to sleep roughly 23 hours a day. When not sleeping, he is eating, using his litter box, or staring at me like he wants me dead.
--Silver City's Fat Scotch Ale might be my new favorite drink of choice......or it might just be Boundary Bay's Irish Stout......the jury is still out. Hefeweizen is a constant, but sometimes I like to switch things up with something a little darker.
--Twilight, the movie, just came out on DVD. My obsession with Edward Cullen has resurfaced. Rob Pattison is a dream boat.
--My new favorite meal? Roasted peppers and potatoes with parmesan cheese sprinkled on top. Thank you Heather for the recipe! It has been on the table at least three times in as many weeks.
I'm all about the sushi, too. Do tell, what's the dragon roll?
Finally, a new blog post! I've been checking every day.... Glad to hear you like the roasted veggies recipe!
you MUST try the moshi moshi sample plater. :)
how do we not know each other. Sushi lover AND cat wrangler??
glad to see you back in the game!! i could use some sushi right about now, as i'm watching twilight for the 12th time. *sigh*
I plan on kidnapping my wife's copy of twilight and holding it ransom for sex acts. 12 times = ugh.
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