Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's all about the layout.......

For me, it is all about the layout. I don't feel like I can be productive until I create a space where I think I can be productive. I think it spawns from my type-A-ishness. I have been trying to study for the California law exam for over a month now, with no success. I blame it all on my poor layout. This past weekend I finally switched things up and moved to the kitchen table, spread things out, busted out the highlighter, and got busy. It could also be that I work better under pressure, and seeing that I have to take the exam in exactly two weeks, I really need to get my sh!t together, so to speak. Interestingly enough, studying actually hasn't been as torturous as I thought it was going to be. Maybe because I haven't cracked any sort of professional text since taking the boards back in May of 2005. Little did I know I would eventually be moving to the only state that is notorious for their difficult law exam. Gotta love California!!

On a more positive note, I think John and I have found a house to rent! It is a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath house in Canyon Country, CA. We'll find out in the next few days if we got the place, and I will definitely post some photos as soon as I actually move and get settled. So what I'm saying is you might have to wait a few months. Don't get your panties all bunched up about it, aight?

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